General informations:
Research projects:
Ohio U. Insider

group was born during the Fall of 2006. So far, it consists of two
faculty members, one postdoctoral fellow and two graduate students
(that's us on the left in May 2010 during the Qweak
installation). We also routinely involve undergraduate in our work. If you are a student (graduate or undergraduate) interested in participating in our research, please drop by and talk to one of us.
Currently, much of our work is carried out with the 100% duty factor
polarized 6 GeV electron accelerator of the Jefferson National Laboratory in
Newport News, VA. Although the actual experiments are performed at
the accelerator site, significant part of the experimental development and analysis take place on the Athens campus of Ohio University.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant Award #1614479. Any
opinions and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
The drawings of this page were downloaded from the HERA web site